Category Archives: Lecture (page 4)

“Homeland Earth” presented at conference on “Value-based Sustainable Development of Education” in Ukraine

The conference chair, Marja Nesterova, invited Werner Wintersteiner to speak about “Homeland Earth” – the idea, the book of Edgar Morin, and the campaign for planetary solidarity. The conference was about EU values, inclusion, and sustainable development and their relationship…

Critique, utopia and simulation – Invitation to an online workshop

Based upon a project on Society After Money – A Simulation, funded by Volkswagen Foundation, the interdisciplinary research group will hold an online workshop on “envisioning post-capitalist societies via simulation“. The workshop will be held on 18-19 February, 2021, and…

The digital workplace – nucleus of transformation

The S-BPM ONE 2020, the 12th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management, originally planned at BIBA Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics, Bremen, Germany, took place from December 2–3, 2020 in an online format. Accordingly, emergence became evident throughout preparation leading to the novel format of…

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