Within the framework of the European project INCLUE, devoted to the “Building of an Inclusive and democratic Europe against the rise of fascism and xenophobia”, GSIS took part in the organisation of a session focused on the role of information…
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Werner Wintersteiner, peace researcher and peace educator, Austria, and Alfredo Pena-Vega, sociologist, Scientific Director of the Global Youth Climate Pact, France, wrote a letter to be published besides English, in French, Spanish, Portuguese and German to ignite a discussion among…
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Morin expert Werner Wintersteiner, retired University Professor at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria, working in Peace Pedagogy and Global Citizenship Education, Affiliate of the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution and active in the campaign “Homeland Earth”, published recently a…
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An important lecture on typifying the era humankind has entered was held by Frank Adloff on 14 April 2021 in the framework of a lecture series at the University of Basel on capitalism and critique of capitalism. Adloff is professor…
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On Monday, 15 March 2021, a press conference ushered in the awareness raising campaign for planetary solidarity, named after Edgar Morin‘s “Homeland Earth”. It was held by Gudrun Kramer, Director of the ASPR. She was supported by Werner Wintersteiner, retired…
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Some time ago we announced the plans for a worldwide campaign to promote planetary awareness, supported by GSIS. Today, you can watch here Edgar Morin‘s appeal for the campaign (video). You can also read the Appeal for the Campaign in…
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GSIS joins as partner the new campaign of the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR). This campaign will recall the theses Edgar Morin formulated in the 1990s for the new millennium and will culminate in next year’s…
Continue reading the "Campaign “Terre-Patrie” – Edgar Morin’s theses revisited in 2021 to relate to the agenda of peace in the “Anthropocene”" »